Australian Framework for Student Empowerment

The Australian Council for Student Voice Ltd. will lead the development of a comprehensive set of standards and framework for student empowerment in Australia.

Through collaborative efforts and ongoing stakeholder engagement, the Australian Council for Student Voice Ltd. will develop a framework that addresses the diverse needs and experiences of students across Australia. By establishing clear standards and frameworks for student empowerment, we can empower students to take ownership of their education, cultivate critical thinking skills, and become effective contributors to their communities.

This framework will serve as a guide for all educational stakeholders in promoting student voice, agency, and participation within schools and communities.

The ACSV is committed to collaborating with educators, students, policymakers, and other stakeholders to ensure that this framework reflects the diverse perspectives and needs of the Australian education sector. Together, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and empowering educational experience for all students.

Make a submission

The period of initial consultation has opened. You are invited to make a preliminary submission to the development of the Australian Framework for Student Empowerment. You can use the link below to complete the initial survey.

This initial survey aims to gather feedback from a diverse range of stakeholders, including educators, students, parents, policymakers, and community members. By sharing your thoughts and experiences, you will help shape the future of education.

Your participation in this survey is crucial in ensuring that the Australian Framework for Student Empowerment reflect the needs and aspirations of our educational community. Whether you have extensive experience in education or simply a passion for supporting student success, your input is highly valued.

The survey will cover a range of topics, including your understanding of student empowerment, challenges you experience, and suggestions for the development of the AFSE.

Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely for the purposes of informing the development of the framework. The survey may take up to 30 minutes to complete, and your time and effort are greatly appreciated.

Alternatively, you can make a submission by email to the Steering Committee:

Project Scope

  • The objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive framework of standards and guidelines for promoting student empowerment within educational institutions and communities across Australia. The framework aims to provide stakeholders with a roadmap for creating inclusive, student-centred learning environments that foster student agency, voice, and participation. The framework will not prescribe specific curriculum content or pedagogical approaches but will instead focus on overarching principles and guidelines for promoting student empowerment within diverse educational contexts.

  • Stakeholders involved in the project will include educators, students, parents, policymakers, support organisations, and other relevant parties. Their input will be essential in shaping the framework to ensure it reflects diverse perspectives and meets the needs of the sector.

  • The framework will encompass the following key components:

    - Definition and Principles: Establishing a clear understanding of the key components and characteristics of student-empowered learning environments, including student voice, agency, partnerships, and leadership.

    - Strategies for Implementation: Providing practical guidance and recommendations for leaders on ensuring and improving student empowerment, integrating student voice into decision-making processes, fostering a culture of empowerment, etc.

    - Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Establishing mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of student empowerment efforts and identifying areas for ongoing improvement and refinement.

    - Resources and Support: Providing educators and institutions with resources, tools, and professional development opportunities to support the implementation of student empowerment initiatives.

  • The project will deliver the following key outputs:

    - The Australian Framework for Student Empowerment, outlining the standards, guidelines, and recommendations for promoting student empowerment.

    - Supporting materials, resources, and tools to assist stakeholders in implementing the framework effectively.

    - Ongoing support and professional development opportunities for stakeholders to support their implementation of the framework.

  • The project will be overseen by a steering committee comprising representatives from key stakeholder groups, responsible for providing guidance, decision-making, and oversight throughout the project lifecycle.