Inclusive Student Voice Toolkit

This resource is provided by the Victorian Government Department of Education

The toolkit has been developed to support the implementation of Disability Inclusion and to complement Amplify. The toolkit provides accessible and multi-modal tools to support the voice, agency and leadership of students with disability. It is developed primarily for use by school staff and regional staff in preparation for the Disability Inclusion Profile. The toolkit can also be used by parents and to support any purpose related to inclusive student voice, agency and leadership. Some tools are tactile, others are sound or picture-based and students can choose tools that suit their interests.

The tools are designed to suit a range of accessibility needs and are non-literacy based. The tools are flexible and designed to be adapted to suit each student’s age, interests, disability, communication modality and participation needs. Each tool has a description and some basic tips about how it could be used.


ACYP Vaping Report


“Give me a place to stand and I’ll move the earth”