Participant Engagement and Protection Policy

2.    Scope

2.1.   The Australian Council for Student Voice Ltd. (ACSV) is committed to conducting research that upholds the highest ethical standards and respects the rights and well-being of all participants.

2.2.   This policy outlines the principles and procedures that guide our engagement with research participants and ensures their protection.

2.3.   By adhering to this Participant Engagement and Protection Policy, ACSV seeks to uphold the rights and dignity of research participants, maintain the trust of the community, and ensure the integrity and quality of our research endeavours.


3.    Informed Consent

3.1.    The ACSV is committed to ensuring that all research participants are fully informed about the purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits of the research before consenting to participate.

3.2.   Informed consent is obtained prior to commencement, and participants have the right to withdraw from the research at any time without penalty.


4.    Confidentiality and Anonymity

4.1.   The ACSV takes measures to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of research participants.

4.2.   Personal information is kept confidential and is only accessible to authorised personnel involved in the research.

4.3.   When reporting research findings, all efforts are made to anonymise participants to prevent the disclosure of their identities.


5.    Data Security

5.1.   The ACSV implements robust data security measures to safeguard the information collected from research participants.

5.2.   This includes secure storage, encryption, and access controls to prevent unauthorised access, use, or disclosure of sensitive data.

5.3.   The collection, use, storage, and disposal of data is bound by our Privacy Policy.


6.    Respect and Benefit for Participants

6.1.   The ACSV is committed to respecting the diversity of research participants and ensuring inclusive practices throughout the research process.

6.2.   This includes acknowledging and accommodating cultural, linguistic, and accessibility needs to ensure equal participation and representation.

6.3.   The ACSV endeavours to ensure that research participation is meaningful and beneficial to participants and contributes positively to the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of educational practices.


7.    Feedback and Continual Improvements

7.1.   The ACSV provides channels for participants to provide feedback, ask questions, or raise concerns about the research process.

7.2.   Participants are informed about how to contact the research team and provided with clear avenues for reporting any issues or grievances.

7.3.   The ACSV monitors the implementation of this policy and continuously seeks opportunities for improvement in its engagement with research participants. Feedback from participants is used to inform changes and enhancements to our practices.


8.    Authorisation

8.1.   This policy was authorised by the National Office on Monday, 01 April 2024.


Notice of Meeting


Open Access Policy